Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Outdated Transport Planning will fail Future Generations

Car obsessed transport planning will not provide a thriving and healthy economy in Sussex according to the report ‘A New Transport Vision for the Sussex Coast’ out today (19 April) [1].
This report, compiled by transport consultancy ITP [2], calls for a more inclusive and integrated approach to transport. It claims that a coordinated rethink could ease congestion in the county and cut car usage by more than 10%.
The findings, published this morning by the South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment (SCATE) [3], challenge existing road plans, such as those for the A27 corridor. The report calls for smarter solutions that work for everyone, in particular for the young, old and disabled, not just people who have access to a car.
Drawing on research by the University of the West of England, the study shows that road building is not the key to economic growth. Evidence shows that increased road capacity simply generates more traffic and creates new hotspots for congestion and poor air quality.

“This is so important for young people” says Chairman of CPRE Sussex, David Johnson.

“They are more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution and will have to cope with the impact of climate change.” The report shows a marked decrease in the number of young people holding a driving licence since 1990. “We should be welcoming and building on that trend. Young people deserve proper transport choices to be able to fulfil their potential”.

The wide range of measures proposed include improved facilities for cycling and walking; enhanced rail and road based public transport; and demand management measures to improve the flow of people, rather than cars.

And Becky Reynold from Bricycles, the the Brighton and Hove Cycling Campaign, agrees;

 “More space for cycling and safer cycle routes would provide a far better and healthier transport option [4] than more roads for motor vehicles. When cycling and walking are teamed up with good public transport, there is rarely a need for a car. The focus of planning needs to shift away from road building, especially as we are on the brink of a revolution in the use of new technology and data for transport purposes”

The report looks forward to a transport revolution as technology and data change the way transport is provided and used. 
"We need progressive transport strategies that better meet the future needs of local people and visitors” says Stephen Joseph, CEO of Campaign for Better Transport. “Evidence shows that towns and cities that significantly reduce their car dependency become thriving, attractive places to live, work and visit.”

[1]  The full report can be seen online. (3.4Mb file)  There are a series of local launches being planned for at later dates:
·        Saturday, 21 April, doors open at 10am for 10:30am- 12:30pm local launch at Lewes Town Hall.  Book a place on Eventbrite.
·        Friday, 4 May, 2 – 3:30pm, Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way, Chichester, PO19 7LG.  Book a place on Eventbrite
·        Thursday, 17 May, 7.30pm, local launch at Arundel Town Hall.
[2]  Integrated Transport Planning (ITP) teamed up with the University of the West of England to produce the report for SCATE.
[3]  South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment (SCATE) is a network of over 30 local organisations and businesses.

[4]  “The best way to take pressure off the NHS is to give everyone active, healthy transport choices”, says Sustrans. “If this country hits its targets to increase walking and cycling, more than 12,000 premature deaths from air pollution would be prevented. If we reach Danish levels of cycling, it would save the NHS £17billion within 20 years.”