A27: What’s going on?
Chichester and Polegate in East Sussex there are 4 major schemes
scheduled to start in the RIS 1 period of 2015-20. All four have had public
consultations, they are:
Scheme rejected
by the community and subsequently cancelled by Highways England (HE). The
community are now holding meetings in the hope their preferred scheme, when
decided, will go forward into RIS 2.
Are waiting
results of their consultation held in 2017. In the meantime Leave has been sort by two
parties for a Judicial Review due to believed errors in the consultation,
environmental and value for money issues.
still waiting for results of their consultation held during summer 2017 despite being
given a date of early 2018 by HE. Correspondence recently received from HE has
given conflicting messages on scheme progress see (iii) below.
Following the public consultation in 2016 an
announcement of the preferred route was made summer 2017
Highways England has now said they will carry
out surveys and investigations to allow them design the scheme in more
detail ahead of a further round of consultation in 2018. However in an effort to convince decision makers that bigger roads are not the answer, a copy of the New Transport Vision for the
Sussex Coast, reviewed in the post below, has been presented to Eastbourne
MP, Stephen Lloyd.
So time moves on but progress seems to be
bogged down with rumours that if schemes are not started before 2020 they will
fail the RIS1 deadline. Clearly if it was just the A27 corridor schemes that
faced delay it could be put down to pressure of work etc, but scheme delays are
reported to be nationwide.
There appears to be several reasons for this,
not in any particular order they are.
(i) Public concern that this or that proposed
scheme will cause damage to the environment, make pollution worse and create
more traffic anyway.
(ii) When Highways England forward matters to government
for decisions they are delayed.
(iii) Confusion in HE departments.
An example of (iii) is the large amount of
correspondence between a senior HE manager and a trusted correspondent we know.
From the details we have been given, home
owners in a slip-road just east of the Manor roundabout in Lancing have been
contacted by HE for permission to undertake surveying work in their gardens.
This has raised concerns of Compulsory Purchase.
The HE manager in question confirmed permission
was requested as they needed to do survey’s along both sides of the A27 Worthing-Lancing
corridor for
topographical, environmental and air/noise pollution reasons.
manager went on to say that the department of Transport has not announced
whether the scheme tabled last year, or a larger scheme will be planned for
this upgrade.
asked if the New Monks Farm (NMF) (IKEA etc) planning approval indecision would
affect the scheme. He replied they had redeveloped the scheme to take in all
the issues and objections made this time last year. Also they had taken into
account the impacts of the NMF including IKEA (which they failed to do last
Surprising then he was unaware that, if NMF was approved, then the developer’s scheme for the Manor Roundabout would be implemented with a contribution of £640,000 from that developer!
Surprising then he was unaware that, if NMF was approved, then the developer’s scheme for the Manor Roundabout would be implemented with a contribution of £640,000 from that developer!
asked what would happen if the result of last years consultation was rejected
by government following the local MP’s visit to SofS Chris Grayling. And secondly
would an alternative scheme be scheduled for the RIS2 budget period with work
to be completed before 2025.
He said no. It
would be later than that because RIS 2 is already planned.
while writing this piece our source has sent details of a letter just received
from HE who now states, between reassuring words that compulsory purchase of
property would not be necessary, that a decision on the scheme will be
announced within the next 2 months.
apart from the conflicting messages sent out by senior staff and HE HQ we think
it’s clear to all those who have an in-depth knowledge of the long history of
this section of the A27 and the long list of failed attempts to do anything, that
a road based scheme on its own is not the answer.
government understand mobility is not achieved by car alone but by an
integrated system of foot, bike, bus, train etc and yes the car, can south Sussex
move forward.
For those campaigning for a northern Worthing-Lancing bypass, surely with all the extra surveying work taking place that option looks even more unlikely.