Sunday, 25 February 2018

So What Do You Think?

With the result of the consultation held by Highways England last summer into various congestion busting schemes for sections of the A27 expected at any time, the letters page of the local press has sprung to life with numerous bizarre suggestions’ on how to solve traffic chaos.
Our present favourite is the plan by a reader of the Worthing Herald for ‘Having a flyover right through Worthing’. See:
The plan it seems is to build a new section of A27 above the existing road, a sort of double deck road starting at Offington roundabout and returning to earth east of Lyons Farm. A distance of some 1.8 miles.
The advantage of such a scheme the author suggests would ‘allow the through traffic to travel at up to 60mph’. It is also suggested ‘Faster moving traffic causes less air pollution’.
Unfortunately the author omits any design features such as how many lanes the upper deck would have or how emergency vehicles would gain access in the event of a collision. There is however a suggestion that such a scheme ‘avoids encroaching on anyone’s land’ giving the impression there’s no emergency exit for 1.8 miles.
So what do you think reader’s. Ok then I’ll start things off. How would you like 60mph traffic whizzing pass your property at about bedroom height? But I’m sure the Editor at would prefer to hear from you rather than us.