What is it
with us Brits that we refuse to believe that another country has found a better
way to solve a problem that we now have? And secondly why is it when we can see
a problem developing we ignore it until all Hell breaks loose.
I’m of
course only taking about the possibility of many families loosing their homes
should the A27 through Worthing be given a make-over to multi lane dual
carriageway standard, so one could expect apathy and a lot of switching of TV
channels to catch the latest soap. Well people you haven’t got much time to dig
your head out of the sand.
Well let me tell you. You see there’s a government document called www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/383145/dft-ris-strategic-vision.pdf in it you will find governments vision
for the road network through to 2040. But more importantly for Worthing is the
first Road Period, as it’s called, and that’s from 2015/16 to 2019/20. http://www.highways.gov.uk/roads
It is
during this period we could see major road building from the West of Chichester
to east of Lancing – and that could be to Expressway standard in part. See: www.scar-uk.co.uk/images/expressways.pdf
at A27 Alarm we have joined together with 6 other residents’ groups to be
involved directly NOW in the decision making process so as to ensure residents
of communities along and off the A27 are not steamrollered into
accepting something that will ruin their lives.
can help along your section of the road by contacting a27alarm@gmail.com and we’ll put you in touch with the
correct person there.