Sunday, 30 April 2017

Election candidates quizzed on A27 and Environment.

Frustrated by mainstream medias lack of interest in serious local environmental issues, two local groups have written to candidates standing in the May 4th County Council Election.
The Groups, Transport for Transition Worthing (TfTW) and By-Pass Not A27 Through-Pass (BPNATP) reported a mixed response, with TfTW commenting: It's not a great response rate from those most likely to be elected’.
Meanwhile BPNATP were encouraged by the number of replies and the thoughtful comments from candidates.
Of course it remains to be seen if fine words are translated into actions should these hopefuls have election success. However as the county’s population increases and the already creaking transport infrastructure in need of some serious investment, those elected have to get to grip with the situation on day one.
Yet that urgency is not a reason to carry on with the same mistakes of the past. A radical new approach is needed to how we are going to travel in the future. Yes the car is here for a while but the polluting one surely not. Some predict a driver less electric mobility rented by the hour from the manufacturer and summoned by a phone app is the way ahead. However my money is still on the tried and tested mass transport systems like the Train for medium to long distance travel with the Bus, cycling and walking in between.
Replies received to-date from the election candidates can be found here:
For Transport for Transition Worthing the short link is: (Large file takes 15sec to download) And By-Pass Not A27 Through-Pass is: 
Why not share this post with friends and colleagues, it may help them decide who to vote for on Thursday, May 4th.