If the organisers of Thursday evenings A27 meeting had any
concerns about filling the large Exhibition Hall at Worthing college those
concerns quickly turned to amazement as over 300 seats and all standing room was
quickly taken, and it seemed some quick thinking was needed.
However as one of the organisers explained later. “We’d actually done some contingency
planning in advance, so it wasn’t really quick thinking – it was putting our
contingency plan into operation by holding a parallel meeting outside to cope
with the overspill.”
And some overspill. Waves of people continued until about
250 had gathered outside on the college playing fields to be addressed by a
The inside meeting started promptly at 19:30 with the
Chairman introducing the speakers and explaining that the meeting was being
held in order to let residents know what could happen to the A27 through
Lancing and Worthing over the next 6 years or so.
The speakers then explained that the A27 was a road
controlled by Highways England and it was they and their consultants Parsons
Brinkerhoff who setup what is known as the Stakeholder Group (SG) of interested
parties during 2014 to evaluate the various options available. The interested
parties are both local MP’s. Various councillors. An assortment of local
business leaders and environment protectors. But no local residents, that was
until very recently and after many options for the road had been rejected by
the SG.
There have been four SG meetings since 2014 and at the start
there were six options including tunnelling – there is a full list of the
options if you scroll down to the last posting then click 'older posts' it's the next post.. Following the ‘pruning’ all
that is left is the on-line option, or as most people would call it the
existing route of the road. No relief road or bypass north of the downs or
under it due to the cost. Nothing but the existing road either turned into a
multi lane dual carriageway or a do minimum scheme of selective widening with
traffic signal and roundabout work. Both will only encourage even more traffic onto the road and the deadly pollution it creates.
The meeting heard all indications suggest it is the multi
lane option that the politicians and businesses want anyway. AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS.
So What is Highways England present A27 Worthing - Lancing Timetable
So What is Highways England present A27 Worthing - Lancing Timetable
Options Identification
November 2016
Public consultation on options
Spring 2017
Preferred route announcement
Autumn 2017
Start of works
Spring 2020
ByPass not A27 ThroughPass the group holding the meeting want
as the name suggests relief from the pollution and mayhem created by even the
existing road. And so do 90% of those in the Hall judging by the questions
asked after the speakers had finished.
Questions such as: We can’t get out of our driveways now
without waiting for god knows how long when a gap in the traffic will appear.
With four lanes to cross we’ll be trapped.
Another questioner asked what happened to all the £millions raised
when the houses and land compulsory purchased was sold following the collapse
of the 1995 scheme.
Perhaps the highlight was the opinion offered from local
resident and radio traffic report presenter and statistician. He quoted from
his 15 years of traffic stats that indicate unless junctions are improved
traffic will still bunch up. Not in the existing pinch points, but on the newly
built multi lane sections.
The Chairman brought the meeting to a close by thanking everyone
for coming and promising this is a fight we will win as the people of Lancing
and Worthing Deserve Better.
The meeting finished at 21:30.