Friday, 6 November 2015

Why do Highways England and their consultants need more time to identify route options for the A27 through Worthing and Lancing, after all they have been at it for over two years.
As we wrote at the start of our blog. For the Worthing and Lancing section their meetings came up with:

1.- offline tunnels throughout
2.- combinations of tunnel, bypass and dualling
3.- online dualling throughout
4.- selective widening and online junction improvements
5.- travel demand management and public transport.

So what is the problem?
Could it just be they have been reading the on-line comment about the fearful exhaust pollution and health problems the existing traffic is generating? Then there is the demand from many commentators that traffic levels must be reduced and not increased by all the induced traffic any road based scheme would create.
Finally there is the comment suggesting that the A27 has passed its sell by date and the only sensible thing to do is build a completely new road north of the downs.

Clearly should such a new road be an option it would not be welcome by those living in the countryside or anyone who wants to protect it. Likewise for us living along side the present road we don’t want it either.
All we want is the present road tamed and that means a reduction in traffic and the pollution of all kinds it creates.
So what does that leave?